What I Listened To: 2013

               Last year, I decided to add this annual review to our WILT segment as a kind of nostalgia fix or throwback. I’ve been keeping track of my favorite songs since 2012, and having these time capsules gives me a chance to reminisce and rediscover music that was once (or still is) dear to me.… Continue reading What I Listened To: 2013


What I’m Listening To: March & April 2023

               Already, 2023 has thrown some surprises my way. I knew back in February that I was listening to less music than before, but the past two months has proven that, sometimes, old habits and hobbies can be hard to maintain when you’re building a new life. March saved some releases for a grand finale,… Continue reading What I’m Listening To: March & April 2023


What I’m Listening To: February 2023

               (Yes, this post is fifteen days past schedule. Life happens). February did not go quite to plan. Now that I’ve settled into a new schedule, the time I usually spent for discovering new tracks or listening to songs on repeat has been lessened. Instead, a good chunk of my days is full of the… Continue reading What I’m Listening To: February 2023


What I’m Listening To: January 2023

Here we go. Another year of tracking my favorite songs and albums each month. Another year of trying to predict what flavor will capture my attention. Diving into new releases and old classics. Finding new meanings for old favorites. The potential of 2023 is exciting, and I’m looking forward to a year of musical endorphins.… Continue reading What I’m Listening To: January 2023


My Favorite Music of 2022

               This was an interesting year—musically. At the beginning of 2022, my listening habits were largely the same—always in the background. Whether I was cooking, driving, doing chores, or reading, I had music. In February, however, I let more silence into my life. I never used to like the quiet and music filled that void,… Continue reading My Favorite Music of 2022


What I’m Listening To: 2022 Honorable Mentions

Another full year of WILT is done. Each month I kept track of my favorite songs and albums, but plenty didn’t make the cut. A lot of decent songs were buried in the backlog, but I’m here to bring them to light. These songs have stood the test of time and deserve a shout-out for… Continue reading What I’m Listening To: 2022 Honorable Mentions


What I’m Listening To: December 2022

               We’re almost at the end of the year here, and that means we have one final list of monthly favorites before we narrow them all down to some honorable mentions and the top fifty. December, then, is a bit of an odd month. Mentally, I’m trying to tally all those past listens together while… Continue reading What I’m Listening To: December 2022


What I’m Listening To: November 2022

               November was an interesting month—musically. I didn’t quite explore the genres and sounds as much as I normally do. Instead, a lot of my listening was devoted to the same atmosphere with occasional jaunts elsewhere. Since I spent a lot of time working on NaNoWriMo, I worked with the vibe I wanted for inspiration.… Continue reading What I’m Listening To: November 2022


What I’m Listening To: October 2022

               September may have been spent traveling, sneaking scraps of time to find and listen to new music, but October has been a blessing. Not only have many of my favorite artists released new albums, but we also had some long-awaited singles and discoveries too. I’ve been driving with the windows down, cooking in the… Continue reading What I’m Listening To: October 2022


Pumpkin Songs 2022: 31 Tracks for Treats

               In 2021, OcTerror returned to its roots with an eclectic mix of music from inside and outside horror films. This year we’ll be continuing our celebration of diegetic and non-diegetic sound mixing, soundtracks, and scores with another list of amazing musical moments from some of our favorite movies. In the past 20 years, we… Continue reading Pumpkin Songs 2022: 31 Tracks for Treats