
Falling From the Ivory Tower

            Hindsight is 20/20 and, in hindsight, 2020 is the year I made a decision that wouldn’t work out. It was early March, and the semester hadn’t yet moved online due to Covid-19. I had the intense realization that I would be graduating in two months, and I had no idea what I was going… Continue reading Falling From the Ivory Tower

Lifestyles · Reviews

What I Read in 2022

               One of my goals this year was to read more. In 2021, I was an ‘average’ reader, completing fourteen books. I set the same initial goal in January—at least one book a month—and, as of today, have exceeded my expectations. Maybe the person I was a few years ago would be disappointed, but I’m… Continue reading What I Read in 2022


Getaway With(out) Soleil: Traveling to Reno in 28 Hours

               I don’t remember a time when I liked flying. For most of my life, it’s the form of transportation most filled with catastrophizing and what-ifs. I’d have anxiety and, often, break out in a cold sweat prior to take off or—worst case—be sick. In high school, I’d count in Italian to distract myself. Turbulence… Continue reading Getaway With(out) Soleil: Traveling to Reno in 28 Hours


Getaway With(out) Soleil: Auckland Part 4

               Shakespeare said, “Journeys end in lovers’ meeting.” While that is a pure and timeless sentiment, I can’t say this trip followed through. Or, perhaps, the journey isn’t really over. Soleil and I parted in Melbourne on a dark morning, quietly slipping back into our long distance. That distance would grow throughout my return home:… Continue reading Getaway With(out) Soleil: Auckland Part 4


Getaway with Soleil: Melbourne

               In 2016, I recommended “indulging in the slow side of the local culture” if you happened to be sick while traveling. As I was then, so I was in Melbourne this past week. Obviously, contextually, a lot has changed since my Adventures in Auckland. It’s different being sick while you’re hanging with your family… Continue reading Getaway with Soleil: Melbourne


Getaway with Soleil: Phillip Island

               If you’ve been wondering where the detailed accounts of my travels have been, look no more. Unfortunately, as with many adventurers of old, I was beset with fatigue and a mysterious illness that kept me away from my writing—but not from exploration. While my journey to Phillip Island and the seaside community of Cowes… Continue reading Getaway with Soleil: Phillip Island


Getaway with Soleil: The Sunshine Coast

               I’ve already waxed poetic about the ocean, putting my feet in the cold water for the first time in years, but I still can’t get over how magical this trip has been. Since early 2020, I’ve rarely left Reno and stuck close to home. This year, however, I’ve gone to multiple countries, a horror… Continue reading Getaway with Soleil: The Sunshine Coast


Getaway with Soleil: A Wedding in Montville

               Until now, all of the weddings I’ve attended have been family or family adjacent. I’ve been a flower girl, a guest book officiant, a slideshow creator, and more. Throughout my life, I was present when mothers, cousins, and family-in-heart tied the knot. However, I’ve somehow missed out on that essential experience of being a… Continue reading Getaway with Soleil: A Wedding in Montville


Getaway with Soleil: Brisbane Part 2

Typically, one of the hallmarks of a romantic getaway is the time spent together. The meals you share, the places you see, the experiences you have. However, just as important, is the reality—especially for long distance couples—of the every day. When you’re separated by borders or oceans, it’s easy to let time together feel like… Continue reading Getaway with Soleil: Brisbane Part 2


Getaway with Soleil: The Gold Coast

            I have reached the point in this holiday where it always seems as if I’m unpacking and simultaneously packing a suitcase. The benefit of traveling with multiple destinations, especially a new country, is the chance to see more places. The downside is how rushed everything can feel and a certain kind of sameness that… Continue reading Getaway with Soleil: The Gold Coast